Jaylee & my gorgeous Aunt

Last weekend we went up north to stay in my parents new house in Show Low. We tried to make it to "little red" in my Tahoe. HA that was a JOKE. We got stuck so bad in the snow! What 4wheel drive when you have street tires? Needless to say we tore my truck up pretty good. Tomorrow it will be one week I have been without it:( It has been at brown and brown getting a work over. You think we would have learned our lesson from the year before when we did the same thing.
Tonight Faith tells Ronnie "I'm not wearing those jeans, I don't like them". Great, my four year old is starting to get her own fashion ideas! Maybe she's been watching too much What Not To Wear!
Faith starts kindergarten next fall and I have been debating public school verses private school? I am torn because I have a public school right here in my neighborhood. The closest private school is Franklin and if you know were we live, you know its not all that close. It is about a 15 min drive from where we live. Well with much deliberation I will be at the Franklin doors tomorrow morning when they open at 7:30am to get Faith on the waiting list. Tomorrow is the first day they are excepting names for the upcoming school year.
Some of you may have seen my little photo blog. No, I am not a professional photographer.... but I appreciate all your nice compliments:) I have always loved taking pictures! The first time I got my own camera was for 6th grade science camp. I remember coming home and dieing to get my film developed. Ill never forget my parents comment when they asked me, why I only took pictures of trees? Hehehe! Anyhow, Ronnie bought me the most awesome camera for Christmas and I have been loving every second of it! I am so excited because I start school at MCC on the 14th. I'm only taking 3 credit hours (photography) but I can hardly wait! I haven't been to college in 7 years! Thanks to my supportive husband who will be watching our kiddos while I'm at school 2.5 hours twice a week until the end of May!
I have never had any desire to go to college with the exception of a photography class. I took photography classes from junior high through high school. I too was wanting an awesome camera for christmas... looks like your husband loves you more than mine. :(
Aleia, I am dying to go back to school to also study photography! You lucky girl. I've got to wait til my hubby is done with school though. Do you guys watch What Not to Wear!? I love that show!! Aren't little girls just so sassy? Gotta love em though huh? LOL! Have a great week!
Hey, what class are you taking? I would say go to the public school with Faith. This advice is coming from a public school teacher though, but I think it's a much better environment.
How cool you get to take a photography class! I'm jealous! I wish I would have done that while I was in college! Oh, and you have to know I am a BIG fan of Franklin. (I went there for grade school) Sure, you can't wear shorts or flip flops, but hey! I have to admit, I learned how to be disciplined at getting my homework done correctly, and on time! A skill I was grateful for later in life! I am a good speller ( I think) from the teaching methods used there as well. I also loved having friends all over Mesa when I was in Jr. High and High School. Anytime I'd go to a party, I almost always knew someone from elementary school! Funny huh!But if you're worried about how far away it is, I remember car-pooling and it was fun-so hopefully you have some fellow Franklinites nearby! Granted, all I know is Franklin, so I can't really compare to a public school. That's my 2 cents. Good luck! :)
That is SO sad about your Tahoe!
I love what Faith said to Ronnie about her pants,she is so cute.Bella went on an anti-pant streak for about a year, she only wanted to wear dresses and skirts, she is doing better now.
Good luck with the school decision, let me know how it goes on getting her into Franklin, (we will be making that decision the year after you).
Congrats on going back to school for photography classes, that sounds so exciting.
Hi Aleia!
I just put my daughter Ava on the same waiting list for kindergarden. I hope she gets in. Never know... I could be seeing you there next year! I hope! Good luck!
Hey if Kiley gets in for first grade we can carpool and take turns picking up or dropping off depending if Faith gets morning or afternoon.
That is so funny, I was JUST checking out the website at Williams Campus, and at CGCC to see if I could take photo classes!
I also would LOVE to be a photographer, sue told scott and my mom at christmas that I should get a nice camera.... of course it would just be a hobby, but I totally admire you for being able to take photo classes! I asked scott about it, and he said maybe later... well booh! maybe when i am a stay at home mom i will be able to pursue my dream of taking pictures. cant wait to see your shots! good luck going back to school! you will do awesome. thats great ronnie is supportive and will watch the girls for you!
That stinks about your truck! We almost got stuck last time I was up. Not fun!! Congrats on school! What did you decide about school for Faith?
Sorry about your Tahoe getting stuck and no having to be in the shop. That's the worst. Anyways, my son Cameron goes to Franklin (although I hear the Mesa Franklin's are different than the others) and he loves it and I do too. He is in first grade now and I cannot believe the things he is learning. Miles will be going there too next year for Kindergarten. Which Franklin are you looking at? I know the ones in Gilbert are Private schools and the ones in Mesa are part of the public system. I don't really know the difference in that. I would defintely recommend it to anyone. I drive 15 minutes each way too and it's totally worth it. You'll find someone to carpool with and it makes it a lot easier too. Good luck!
Congrats on going back to school! I'm sure it will be so fun to learn more about photography. You'll have to take some family pictures for us!
Oh no your car! hope it gets fixed okay! I went to Franklin and I have to admit, I felt a little like a deer in headlights when I entered high school. How fun for you to take a photography class! I hope you enjoy it!
That is horrible about your car! Don't you hate when your car is in the shop...it's the worst! Glad you had fun though :) Such a cute picture of Jaylee and your aunt! Good luck with photography, that is so great :)
What a darling picture of your babe! Great cameras do help, but it takes a special eye to see a "kodak moment", good job Aleia!
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